Also sprach Joe Rhett
California is quite different, where Pacific Bell has violated peoples' privacy and the FCC's fair access regulations enough that the PUC is promoting a referendum named the "Telecommunications Bill of Rights" or some such likeness.
Kentucky did a PSC "Code of Conduct" for utilities, then also passed it as a law...only problem being that they explicitly exempted telco's. The Code of Conduct was great...dealt with quite a few issues concerning intermingling of regulated and unregulated services from telco's and other utilities, but then they listened to BellSouth claiming that everything that the Code of Conduct specified they already had to do *cough*nonsense*cough*. They used the Telecom Act of '96's section 272 as the basis for much of their arguments...but they neglected to mention that 272 is no longer in effect (sunset clause effective Feb. of this year). -- Jeff McAdams Email: jeffm@iglou.com Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456