On Jun 24, Curt Howland <howland@conxion.com> wrote:
Not everyone you might want to peer with on the West Coast is at the PAIX.
Right, the PAIX by itself wouldn't be enough (though the lighting is really cool); but with the PAIX /and/ MAE-West?
It is a very pretty facility, certainly. Coverage might reach whatever % of the 'net you're looking for with the PAIX and Mae-East alone, but that's not my major criteria for choosing exchange points. I look for efficient data transfer, and effective regionalization of data flow. I really don't want data from Sacramento going to San Jose by way of Florida. I would rather have several smaller pipes into the populous exchange points, such as Mae-East and West, and then add the big pipes at the ATM Naps for high flow peers like MCI, Sprint, UUnet, ANS, AT&T and their ilk. So maybe the question comes back to, "is everyone you want to peer with on the West coast at the PAIX?" (The apearance of a company name in this email does not imply or suggest any existance of a peering agreement. The names are used for illustration only, and should be considered a compliment.) Curt-