But why would the interface always transmit broadcasts to the FDDI interface in Spokane and show excessive latency at anytime of the day that you try to connect/send an echo reply at it.
A) Because *multicast*, when sent on a *broadcast* media like FDDI, is sent as *broadcast* packets (to avoid replication); B) Because multicast is very VIP2 CPU-intensive, doing all kinds of funky things - we see that on very low utilization, there is high CPU. This in turn shows up as latency *to* the router, but not *through* the router (different switching paths). Basically, this is normal, and ~5Mbps is about right for this traffic.
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Bjorn Carlsson wrote:
Not sure I follow. schnell.ebone.net is actually an interface of Sprint icm-bb1-pen which connects to a FDDI ring in Pennsauken built for multicast. The name/address (schnell.ebone.net) is there for historial reasons and should be changed to something-else.icp.net.
As for directed broadcast it is long since turned off on all EBONE routers.
-- Brian Dickson, Email: briand@teleglobe.net Director, Backbone Engineering Tel : +1 703 755 2056 Teleglobe Communications Corp., Fax : +1 703 755 2648 Rm 3214, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Cell : +1 703 851 9053 Reston, Virginia, USA, 20191 http://www.teleglobe.com