On Jan 19, 2008 11:48 AM, Andy Davidson <andy@nosignal.org> wrote:
There's some debate in RIPE land right now that discusses, "what actually is the automatic, free, right to PI" ? Every other network in the world pays the cost when someone single homes but wants their / 24 prefix on everyone else's router. If one had to pay a registry for PI, then small networks would have to think about the negative externalities of their decision to deploy using PI.
Andy, There was some related work on ARIN PPML last year. The rough numbers suggested that the attributable economic cost of one IPv4 prefix in the DFZ (whether PI, PA or TE) was then in the neighborhood of $8000 USD per year. Regards, Bill Herrin -- William D. Herrin herrin@dirtside.com bill@herrin.us 3005 Crane Dr. Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004