On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Rod Beck <Rod.Beck@hiberniaatlantic.com>wrote:
Hi Richard,
I never said that protected LAN PHY 10 GigE was more expensive than two diversely routed waves. However, Hibernia's engineers have advised that route protected LAN PHY 10 GigE will tolerate a relatively high BER before switching. I stand by that statement.
I said that protected STM64 service was more expensive and that is true. Not only do you need two diversely STM64 waves, but you need protection as well.
Finally, you're wrong about "trying to charge what the market will bear".
Rod, Unless you are lucky enough to be doing large,cost +, IRU deals all day, supply and demand economics should prevail, right? The minimum a market would bear is based on costs and then supply vs. demand. Best, Marty -- Martin Hannigan martin@theicelandguy.com p: +16178216079 Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants