In the past we had packet loss issues due SIP's PLIM buffer.
The following docs may provide some guidance:
-- TassosOn 27/11/21 02:11, Fiona Weber via NANOG wrote:
we see similar problems on ASR1006-X with ESP100 and MIP100. At about ~45 Gbit/s of traffic (on ~30k PPPoE Sessions and ~700k CGN sessions) the QFP utilization skyrockets from ~45 % straight to ~95 % :(
I don't know if it's the CGN sessions or the traffic/packets causing the load increase, the datasheet says it supports something like 10M sessions.... but maybe not if you really intend to push packets through it?
We have not seen such spikes with way higher pps, but lower CGN session count, when we had DDoS Attacks against end customers.
On 11/26/21 20:09, Colin Legendre wrote:
We have ...
ASR1006 that has following cards...1 x ESP401 x SIP404 x SPA-1x10GE-L-V21 x 6TGE1 x RP2
We've been having latency and packet loss during peak periods...
We notice all is good until we reach 50% utilization on output of...'show platform hardware qfp active datapath utilization summary'
Literally ... 47% good... 48% good... 49% latency to next hop goes from 1ms to 15-20ms... 50% we see 1-2% packet-loss and 30-40ms latency... 53% we see 60-70ms latency and 8-10% packet loss.
Is this expected... the ESP40 can only really push 20G and then starts to have performance issues?
Colin Legendre