On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Bill Woodcock wrote:
On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Glen Kent wrote:
says the solemn headline of Telegraph. .. and we in Nanog are still discussing IPv6! ;-)
It's because we don't have a hadron demolition derby to power our American interwebs:
"The power of the grid will be unlocked this summer with the switching on of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)."
I doubt it: http://www.geant2.net/server/show/nav.00d00h001003 "The structure of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) is to distribute the data first to 12 Tier 1 sites, each connected to Tier 0 (CERN) by a dedicated wavelength switched path of 10Gbps. These paths are provided by the new hybrid (IP routed/ wavelength switched) structure of G?ANT2. Corresponding dark-fibre lightpaths will be provided by each of the European NRENs involved." So within Europe, much of the LHC data will move via paths that not even part of the Internet/Geant2 infrastructure: http://www.geant2.net/upload/pdf/PUB-07-179_GN2_Topology_Jan_08_final.pdf Just look for the black links which are all dark fiber out of Switzerland. Also, LHC will generate 15Petabytes per annum - not Gigabytes or Terabytes as some media have stated. -Hank