Paul, The relevant BMWG work here is within the IPPM effort. The email list is ippm@advanced.org with the unsurprising ippm-request@advanced.org to join/unjoin. -- Guy At 01:29 PM 8/31/96 -0400, Paul Ferguson wrote:
At 01:11 PM 8/30/96 PDT, Randy Bush wrote:
Analysis of Actual End to End Performance accross the NAPs/MAEs An excellent topic, to be sure, but how do you propose that this be measured?
And there's a subject for a NANOG panel in itself.
I can think of some interesting experiments that would involve cooperation of multiple peers. But there are folk far better based in measurment than I who might suggest some fun stuff. Guy, Steve, ..., this is your cue.
... And it might even be nice for someone who is active in the IETF Benchmarking Methodology WG (bmwg) to participate.
[ref: http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/bmwg-charter.html]
- paul