On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 12:48 PM, SML <sml@lordsargon.com> wrote:
On 4 Oct 2014, at 12:35, Michael Thomas wrote:
On 10/04/2014 10:23 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote: So I work in a small office in a building that has many "enterprise" whether I like it or not. What if one of them decided that our wifi was "rogue" and>> started trying to stamp it out? It happens daily. We have 22 offices around the world, each in downtown towers. We use Cisco WLCs, and those controllers see constant deauth frames coming from people above us, below us, and from the four sides around us. It is a real battle. The only thing to do is use lots of APs in the office so as to keep the power levels down.
Well, based on the Marriott incident, it seems that what you need to do is figure out where the Deauths are coming from via direction finding and start sending written notices to your neighbors, and if the behavior persists --- follow them up with some FCC interference complaints. https://esupport.fcc.gov/ccmsforms/form2000.action -- -JH