Hey Ricky, Yes that is the exact setup, the cableco bring the customer to us via L2TP, and now want to do PPTP only. I will keep digging on the ARRIS, which I have been told is a C4 system. Although their website doesnt show much tech specs. They are pushing for the L3 option since their CMTS will now be a hop in the path between the customer and us, instead of L2 transparent. Suggestions? Thanks, On 7/31/2012 5:19 PM, Ricky Beam wrote:
On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 08:33:51 -0400, iptech <iptech@northrock.bm> wrote:
3.0 compliant setup, and this standard no longer supports PPPoE via L2TP, and can now only offer PPTP for terminating with us.
As I recall from my reading of "the standard", there's nothing in there to prevent any tunneling on top of the DOCSIS bridged ethernet.
I suspect this is not a "standard" problem but an ISP problem... their new hardware doesn't support PPPoE/L2TP, it's an additional license, or they don't know how (or unwilling) to configure it.
(I'm assuming the PPPoE is between you and the customer, and L2TP is between your network and the cable network. i.e. L2TP is how your customers are brought to you from the cable network.)
I have no documentation on ARRIS either, so I don't know what they can/cannot do.