Dean Drako wrote:
We make no claims about it being better or worse than any other RBL.
I have some objective data based on our testing here. Over the past 18 months, Barracuda's block rate is 81.9%, while Spamhaus' is 83.3%. For whatever measurement error you want to include, that says that they are roughly equivalent. Over the past 6 months, BRBL is actually getting better: their block rate is 87%, while Spamhaus is 82%. There is, of course, a catch. BRBL gets a higher rate, but at a substantially higher false positive (FP) rate. We normalize FPs per 10,000 messages our measurements. Over the last 18 months, BRBL was 4.1 FP/10K messages; Spamhaus 0.2 FP/10K messages. Again, BRBL is getting better: over the past 6 months, BRBL went down to 1.6 FP/10K messages, while Spamhaus is about the same at 0.3 FP/10K messages. So, depending on your definition of "better," you could either say "BRBL is better" or "BRBL is worse." It would generally depend on your sensitivity to FPs. jms -- Joel M Snyder, 1404 East Lind Road, Tucson, AZ, 85719 Senior Partner, Opus One Phone: +1 520 324 0494 jms@Opus1.COM