On 21/Mar/20 14:43, Alexandre Petrescu wrote:
I tend to agree - I dont think there is any capacity problem in the core network or server platforms, including netflix. I do not see it for my part as of now. I am an end user, not a Network sysadmin.
I heard about EU measures to attenuate such a problem tha tmight arrive - I think it is mis-informed.
I also heard EC (European COmmission) looking to push all efforts in robotics, how could robotics help this, several ideas like drones, or the open source respiratory device, or why not sending a robot do shopping for me. I think these look far fetched but are promissing.
Business models were always changing. What the Coronavirus has done is amplify and accelerate those transitions. The thing is even after the Coronavirus pandemic is solved, businesses are going to have to adapt to new operating models in this new digital economy. Unfortunately, many are going to assume that it was only necessary for the period of the pandemic, and will want to revert to their traditional ways of doing things prior to the outbreak once all the dust settles. I empathize with those businesses. Mark.