On Thu, 6 Feb 2014, Notify Me wrote:
According to the auditors, "trusted" means
1. Universities or Research facilities (nuclear/atomic facilities, space research (such as NASA) etc.) 2. Main country internet/telecom providers 3. Government departments 4. Satellites (using GPS module)
Which is a bit of a tall order over here.
In general you should probably be asking <news:comp.protocols.time.ntp>. You could run your own NTP server using GPS as its reference clock (#4), at least I don't think it would be impossible for you to obtain such a device. But not cheap either. But then RHEL and an audit suggest you have some money to spend. You might even build your own using ntpd and a receiver, e.g., GNSS. See <http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/index.html> for more information. Some stratum 1 or 2 servers (which are generally run by entities 1 thru 3 from your list) may allow you to obtain time (perhaps using crypto), but of course you'd need to contact them directly. ntp.org has a list: <http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Servers/WebHome>. Generally speaking, you'll need at least 3 sources if you want stablity. Mark