Typically you would use a private VLAN between you and another participant in order to connect to them separately from the public peering VLAN. You would do this instead of a PNI in a situation where you’re in a different building from the other participant making a direct fibre more expensive than the value it would bring. A public VLAN is essentially the peering VLAN anyway, so an all participants VLAN would be a little pointless. Perhaps a VLAN shared between a couple of members *may* be useful depending on those members’ use cases, although I can’t think of one off the top of my head. Regards, Marty Strong -------------------------------------- CloudFlare - AS13335 Network Engineer marty@cloudflare.com +44 7584 906 055 smartflare (Skype) http://www.peeringdb.com/view.php?asn=13335
On 23 May 2016, at 23:24, Ken Chase <math@sizone.org> wrote:
And what benefit is there to this 'public' vlan service? A shared vlan between all participants (with some well organized numbering/indexing scheme)?
TorIX (Toronto) is about to have an AGM here and this VLAN thing which has been in the air for 3 years will certainly be brought up again.
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 07:19:03PM +0100, Marty Strong via NANOG said:
The usefulness of an elastic fabric as far as I can see it are:
- Can give you a private VLAN to some *cloud* providers that provide direct access to them in some other fashion than peering (assumedly for enterprises) - Is spread across multiple buildings across a metro area - Is elastic so can be divided between different services for different time periods
In a traditional peering sense it doesn???t really offer much value.
Just my two pence.
Regards, Marty Strong
-- Ken Chase - Guelph Canada