On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Paul B. Henson wrote:
So I was curious, has anyone managed to penetrate the black hole that appears to be surrounding any actual details on Verizon FIOS IPv6 deployment?
If you find the answer, you win the prize. I've tried shaking numerous trees (front-line customer service, my VZB sales person for $dayjob, other people I know who work at Verizon, etc...) to get an answer on this and each time I got different responses. I heard everything from trials being done somewhere in Florida (about a year ago, but Florida does me no good), to the rollout was on hold because the set-top boxes didn't work with it (wasn't about to explain dual-stack to them), to "Verizon has plenty of version 4 addresses, so there's no rush to deploy IPv6". More than one response included the caveat that "we haven't been trained on any IPv6 stuff yet", so I guess any sort of large-scale rollout is not in the immediate future. I don't fault the front-line customer service folks for this. If they don't know, they don't know. What I do find fault with is that the people the front-line reps can escalate to either don't know, won't tell, or won't ask their escalation points. Attempts to speak directly to an escalation point were met with "well, I can put a note in your account that you asked about it...". It's 2014. Comcast is kicking Verizon's butt at v6 deployment (I've told VZ reps that several times as well...). There really is no excuse for total silence from Verizon on this. I have a tunnel through HE and it works very well, but it would be great to have native v6 at home. jms