After you applied default-originate to peer-group, have you done soft-clear of your bgp session? It usually takes a little while for changes in config to propagate, unless you force an update using soft clear... -hc -- Sincerely, Haesu C. TowardEX Technologies, Inc. WWW: E-mail: Cell: (978) 394-2867 On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:43:35PM -0700, Vandy Hamidi wrote:
Platform: Cisco 7206VXR SW: Version 12.2(15)T2
router#sh run | b bgp router bgp 65011 no synchronization bgp log-neighbor-changes bgp confederation identifier 12345 bgp confederation peers 65001 65021 bgp deterministic-med bgp dampening network mask neighbor Confed-Peer-Group peer-group neighbor Confed-Peer-Group update-source FastEthernet1/1 neighbor Confed-Peer-Group next-hop-self neighbor Confed-Peer-Group version 4 neighbor Confed-Peer-Group soft-reconfiguration inbound neighbor Confed-Peer-Group filter-list 2 in neighbor Confed-Peer-Group filter-list 1 out neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group Confed-Peer-Group neighbor password 7 05211F2C105211F2C1666B neighbor remote-as 65001 neighbor peer-group Confed-Peer-Group neighbor password 7 05211F2C105211F2C1666B no auto-summary
router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#router bgp 65011
router(config-router)#neighbor default-originate % Invalid command for a peer-group member router(config-router)#
According to Cisco: All members of a peer group must share identical outbound announcement policies (such as distribute-list, filter-list, and route-map), except for default-originate, which is handled on a per-peer basis even for peer group members.
I've also tried to apply to the peer group. The command is accepted, but no default origination of 0/0 is advertised to the peer(s). Thanks in advanced for any help,