----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443
On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 9:06 AM Josh Luthman <josh@imaginenetworksllc.com> wrote:That's wrong, you CAN turn it off. I believe it's encrypted between Google and your Chrome browser, it says so but I haven't confirmed this myself.Chrome can be configured to not remember passwords at all (makes a browser pretty useless), but it won't keep them only on the local device. If allowed to remember passwords, it uploads them to Google. No knob to turn sync off. -Bill