Gerardo Gregory wrote:
these ports. The "internet" in itself is nothing more than a communications link, and the ISP's are providers to this link. The purpose of which is the exchange of information over a "public" medium. You want an ISP to begin filtering at the 4th layer (OSI Reference...yikes), why???? Besides alleviating the headaches of some
Hmmm. Perhaps I should shut down my abuse desk and just be a communications link. After all, the user's computer wants to transmit viruses or spam, so why should I stop it? If people run layer 7 filtering to stop abuse, what makes you think they won't run layer 4 to meet the same goals? A lot of networks already run layer 3 filtering for misbehaving networks and bogon filters. Spam filtering takes place at anywhere from 3-7, depending on the network. One can't have it both ways. You either do no filtering and watch the system completely crash as you can't afford the overhead of the malicious content which is on the rise, or you apply filters to protect your network and *the* network overall. Not filtering consumer networks will cause issues at the backbone networks, forcing upgrades and driving prices back up. If we don't protect *our* network, then some governments will start mandating how they'll protect it. I for one do not wish to give up control of what I've designed, built, and improved to people who usually don't know what telnet is, much less ssh. -Jack