On 12/4/14, 2:19 PM, "Sandra Murphy" <sandy@tislabs.com> wrote:
Which begs the question for me -- ARIN already operates services that operators rely upon. Why are they different? Does ARIN run no risk of litigation due to some perceived involvement of those services in someone's operational outage?
WG] I'm hard-pressed to come up with a case where packets stop flowing or flow to the wrong party because whois is down. *Maybe* you can make that case for reverse DNS since lots of anti-spam/anti-spoof relies on forward/reverse DNS agreement, but that doesn't affect routing. RPKI ups the ante considerably. I believe ARIN when they say that the liability risks are higher for this. Thanks, Wes Anything below this line has been added by my company’s mail server, I have no control over it. ----------- This E-mail and any of its attachments may contain Time Warner Cable proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Time Warner Cable. This E-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this E-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this E-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this E-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this E-mail and any printout.