Thus spake "Jeff Wheat" <jeff@cetlink.net>
Isn't that just sweet... So in a nutshell it is *not* illegal for kiddies to port scan a network looking for vulnerabilities. It would seem to me that such scans would impair the integrity of ones networks, or am I just smoking crack?
If the scans don't disrupt system operation (they're usually designed not to), how would it impair network integrity? To use (yet another) bad analogy, does a burglar walking through a parking lot checking for unlocked cars commit a crime? It's only a crime to steal/vandalize the cars.
Jeff CETLink.Net
S | | Stephen Sprunk, K5SSS, CCIE #3723 :|: :|: Network Design Consultant, GSOLE :|||: :|||: New office: RCDN2 in Richardson, TX .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Email: ssprunk@cisco.com