I have a hanging chad story. I worked for GE subbing to NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center in the late 60's. Our group programmed the Atlas first stage simulations. We had such a program. Never found the bug until one of the operators dropped the deck. We would not have found it then except he (they) tried to put the deck back together :) I do not rememver if this was a 7090 or a GE-235 program. Whichever system it was an IBM keypunch that did the deed. As I recall both systems did checksums so I guess in the "open" position it must have closed its neighbor.
At 11:20 AM 12/15/2000, you wrote:
On the other hand, I did tens of thousands of lines of code on IBM punched cards and I never once recall a bug caused by a chad, hanging or otherwise.
Regards Marshall Eubanks
_____ Douglas Denault doug@safeport.com Voice: 301-469-8766 Fax: 301-469-0601