On Jun 19, 2014, at 10:51 , Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> wrote:
On June 19, 2014 at 04:01 owen@delong.com (Owen DeLong) wrote:
ICANN != a good sampling of number resource issues or concerns.
As you noticed, the whole mess with domain names and their IP issues is the monetary tail that wags the ICANN dog. ICANN barely pays attention to number resources and when they do, it’s primarily to do whatever has been agreed upon by the policy processes in the various RIRs.
This is actually a good thing and we should seek to preserve this fact after ICANN loses its “adult supervision”.
Really. You're really completely discounting ICANN in having any leadership or participative role in the IPv4/IPv6 transition?
No. They have some role. They just don't have any leadership role and are not a point to apply any meaningful pressure. Owen