On 12/14/11 18:46 , Jimmy Hess wrote:
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Cameron Byrne <cb.list6@gmail.com> wrote:
Fyi, I just was rejected from arin for an ipv4 allocation. I demonstrated I own ~100k ipv4 addresses today. My customers use over 10 million bogon / squat space ip addresses today, and I have good attested data on that.
Wait... you had started using bogon addresses / "squatted" space not allocated and claimed the number of IP addresses your network is using that were not allocated by a RIR settles the need justification question?
Anyone who has used their network in the last decade that actually bother to look at their assigned ip address knows this.
Any suggestions on how to navigate this policy ?
Work with ARIN to provide a satisfactory need justification for the entire allocation you are requesting. A mere count of the number of IP addresses you are currently using is not a need justification.
The wikipedia page shows something on the order of 34 million customers. I don't expect they all need an ip at the same time.
There has to be a technical reason that each IP address is required.
"I'm making IANA-unsanctioned use of 10^9 bogon IP addresses, please allocate me 10^9 proper IP addresses, so I can have matching allocated IP space with global recognition instead"; just doesn't cut it.
You need to have all the documentation to show the actual justified technical need for the IPs you request, such as what each specific address is used for.
Regards, -- -JH