Karl Denninger [SMTP:karl@Mcs.Net] wrote around Sunday, May 04, 1997 12:57 PM (in some timezone, my mail client is useless):
As long as the Internet's cache files on each and every system out there point at "a" in their file, there is the potential to break the namespace.
One rogue server in a confederation will cause serious problems.
NSI has defacto control, because getting them out of the cache files is a long and slow process, and until they ARE out their answers will be believed.
That's one of the nice things about widespread backing of the IAHC plan by the big players. It wouldn't be hard for them to blackhole the cached rogue servers and thus cut them out of the loop. No doubt Karl will invoke lawyers at this, but while people are running around seeking injunctions to support their own lawlessness, the net keeps running. I would think that network operators could argue this is no different from filtering out rogue routes coming in from a subverted BGP peer. Geoffrey