Typical SORBS behavior. While this guy can demand all he wants, doesn't mean he will get what he wants or that he's right or wrong. Personally, we gave up using SORBS because of it's very high false-positive ratio and we got tired of hearing customers who were upset because they didn't get their airline tickets, hotel reservations, or someone in the family was hurt and they missed the email. Fact of the matter is, whether Yahoo! has an SMTP server that 'is spewing SPAM according to SORBS..' or not, blanket screwing over everyone else in the same range which SORBS does -- is crap. Customers found it to be crap and I got tired of justifying it. Very hard to justify when someone mails a customer and 50 other people and only *my* customers were rejected due to SORBS. Ditched SORBS and the customers couldn't be happier. If I were this guy, I wouldn't care. I'd complain to anyone sending him a SORBS failure about all the other *important* mail they're missing and prevent their SORBS usage and educate them the harm SORBS is doing. Thanks for the OT post though. It gave me my chance to RANT. Regards, SR Matthew Sullivan wroteth on 3/15/2007 2:28 PM:
Could be considered off-topic because it is humor.
I guess a lot of US network operators are going to have to change their DNS entries because apparently the rDNS policies are now set by federal law.....