On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 10:21:55AM -0500, alex@yuriev.com wrote:
Jeff "Ampersand" Rizzo. For teaching us all just *why* it is that you don't want to redistribute BGP into your IGP. Or so goes the tale relayed to me. While I worked at the relevant company at the relevant time, I didn't work with the network there until a year or two later.
I thought it was the op of 7007 that did that?
I don't have a timeline to know which happened first; 2551 was down, or at least the majority of it was, for something on the order of 48-72 hours. The rendition I heard assigned the moniker because one of the major news outlets said that the mistake which triggered it was "like a misplaced ampersand". It was certainly the one on the wall beside his legacy Chevy's sombrero. -- *************************************************************************** Joel Baker System Administrator - lightbearer.com lucifer@lightbearer.com http://users.lightbearer.com/lucifer/