I am having very poor luck making a successful connection to download.microsoft.com sites as well. When I do, instead of the typical 10mbps, I'm seeing 5kb/sec just as you are. Ping times/traceroutes to them looks normal, so I don't immediately suspect an overloaded link, so I'm not quite sure what the issue is. --- Andy Drew Weaver wrote:
Hi there, we’ve had a few complaints about connectivity issues to Microsoft, is anyone else seeing a problem? Usually I get between 2-3MBps when I download from them, at the moment I get 8k/sec downloading http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/6/2/b624b535-644a-41e1-9727-812dcd6... (service pack 1 for exchange 03) from Both my network, and a monitoring server we have in chicago.
Anyone else seen this?