No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying "in actual deployments", which doesn’t mean that everyone is deploying, we are missing many ISPs, we are missing many enterprises.



El 15 ene 2024, a las 9:26, Saku Ytti <> escribió:

On Mon, 15 Jan 2024 at 10:05, jordi.palet--- via NANOG <> wrote:

In actual customer deployments I see the same levels, even up to 85% of IPv6 traffic. It basically depends on the usage of the caches and the % of residential vs corporate customers.

You think you are contributing to the IPv6 cause, by explaining how
positive the situation is. But in reality you are damaging it greatly,
because you're not communicating that we are not on a path to IPv4
free Internet. If we had been on such a path, we would have been IPv4
free for more than a decade. And unless we admit we are not on that
path, we will not work to get on that path.


IPv4 is over
Are you ready for the new Internet ?
The IPv6 Company

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