: self preservation of the species... : : * Greed * : : Did you know that in Africa, there is a humane monkey trap : that has been used for countless ages... : : Sun Flower seeds in an empty coconut shell, securely mounted. : : With a narrow opening in the top of the shell, the monkey reaches in, : and grabs a handful of seeds...... : : But, with its hand -full- of seeds, it cannot withdraw it : from the Narrow Opening in the top of the coconut.... : : You have to check these traps often, though... : : The Monkey will starve to death, rather than release the : hand full of seeds..... : : Did you know that man's genomes are roughly 98% Simian ? : : :D : : : : > : > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : > Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature :