9 Feb
9 Feb
2:08 p.m.
As co-moderator emeritus of Fidonet's CONSPRCY echo, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but let's get real, folks. No deeper motive need be applied to this than "ActiveX sucks, and I'm gonna show 'em" or "wow, look what I can do if I combine these two script-kiddie exploits I found on rootshell.com" or "oh, yeah? Prove it." The latter being the driving force behind many destructive hacks over the years. Until we have enough facts, Occam's Razor isn't very useful, but it would seem to exclude government-backed weirdness. At 10:37 AM 2/9/2000 -0800, you wrote:
It would make one hell of an excuse for those wishing more government(s) involvement/control....