On May 29, 2015, at 8:27 AM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 4:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Why do you assume some encap/decap process somewhere in this process?
why do you think they have a single 10/8 deployment per location and not per customer? if it' sper customer, they have to provide some encap (I'd think) to avoid lots and lots of headaches. I don't imagine that if aws/ec2 is 'millions of customers' running on 'cheapest ethernet reference platform possible' they can do much fancy stuff with respect to virtual networking. I'd expect almost all of that to have to happen at the vm-host (not the guest), and that there's just some very simple encapsulation of traffic from the 'edge' to the vm-host and then 'native' (for some sense of that word) up to the 'vm'.
Because that’s what one of their engineers told me at one point in the past. Admittedly, it may have changed. My understanding was along the lines of a very large flat L2 space among the VM Hosts with minimal routing on the hosts and a whole lot of /32 routes. Again, my information may be incomplete, obsolete, or incorrect. Memories of bar conversations get fuzzy after 12+ months. Owen