On Apr 21, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Matthew Palmer wrote:
Then they come back with a request for IPs for SSL certificates, which is a valid technical justification. BTDT. People will find a way to do the stupid thing they want to do.
Most of the stupid people don't, actually. That's the funny thing that surprises me -- just how obviously lame the justifications are, and how they are unable even with direct statements about how to justify the IP space to do so. My god, it's really not hard to build a valid justification for more space than you need -- seriously. But these people just can't pull it off. Likewise, every company with whom I've had to debate the topic has failed within 18 months, so the problem pervades the organization ;-) -- Jo Rhett Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness