Today seems to be my day for cluttering up NANOG with world-scope problems:
providers including Sprint. The question in my mind is increasingly not what is in the source client's mind, but whether the traffic is violating Sprint's usage policies.
Yes it is. They claim that you can be removed from their mailing lists by replying with "NO MAIL" as the subject line, but it does not work. I just received another SPAM from them.
I refuse to remove myself from every spam list that gets made. That would be several per day, 365 days per year, soon to to be dozens per day. Rather, I expect users to behave themselves and I expect ISP's to educate their users to behave themselves (or cut them off if they won't) and I expect NSP's to cut off ISP's who won't educate and control their user populations. "Receiver pays" isn't just a direct marketing panacea, it's a license to remove people from your routing table if they won't stop wasting your money. has more details. (Note that I don't run that page, I just host it.)