On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 12:48, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <pthubert@cisco.com> wrote: Hey,
I do not share that view:
I'm not sure how you read my view. I was not attempting to communicate anything negative of IPv6. What I attempted to communicate - near future looks to improve IOT security posture significantly, as the IOT LAN won't share network with your user LAN, you'll go via GW - thread+matter gives me optimism that IOT is being taken seriously and good progress is being made, and the standards look largely well thought out
1) Thread uses 6LoWPAN so nodes are effectively IPv6 even though it doesn’t show in the air.
I believe I implied that strongly. Considering the 'forced marketing of IPv6' on the thread addressing scheme. Mind you, I don't think it is big deal, might even be positive, but I would have probably used inline PDU to decide roles. -- ++ytti