james wrote:
Well, on reading it, it's more an "IPv6: It's great -- ask for it by name!" piece.
IPv6 gives me brain ache. I hear I'm not alone in that. I'd v6 tomorrow if I didn't have to think about it so hard.
You just need 96 more bits in your head everywhere you store IPv4 techniques. Yes, lots of us have a brain ache with it, but I'm sure IPv4 gave us brain ache when it was new to us too. I'm sure there are already folks in environs that are mostly IPv6 that can spit off binary to hex to decimal IPv6 addresses. The US tends not to be one of those environs. It'll come. operational content: Is anyone significantly redesigning the way they route/etc to take advantage of any hooks that IPv6 provides-for (even if its a proprietary implementation)? As far as I can tell, most people are just implementing it as IPv4 with a lot of bits (i.e. /126s for link interfaces, etc). I know we aren't use auto-config on critical server architecture and instead nailing in addressing like we would in IPv4. (an address hopping firewall is not necessarily a good thing ;) ). Deepak