Hi, Between 4/15 - 4/22, NSF/ANSNet routing table growth is as follows: 04/15/94 19688 04/16/94 na 04/17/94 na 04/18/94 19496 04/19/94 19467 04/20/94 18740 04/21/94 18729 04/22/94 18596 Note it actually has negative growth. (Also, note: 4/22's table size is counted as of 11:00 am today.) The routes withdrawn during 4/15-4/22 is 1487. The following ASs have withdrawn more specific routes from the NSFNET/ANSNet routing table during this period of time: 2551 NETCOMM 440 200 BARRnet 212 600 OARNet 195 685 NorthWestNet 137 1800 ICM-Atlantic 117 701 AlertNet 112 2548 DIGEX 87 204 PSCNET 86 1133 CERN/DANTE 52 114 SESQUINET 29 1324 ANS-NewYork Connection 15 1240 ICM-Pacific 5 Note: this is based on data gathered before 11:00 am today. Routes withdrawn afterwards are not counted here. New challenges: There are 565 routes co-existing with its aggregate in the routing table currently, that is they can be withdrawn as we speak. ASs who advertise these nets PLEASE withdrawn them. --Jessica