"Henry R. Linneweh" <linneweh@concentric.net> writes:
Reducing this all to the prime essence, of the problem. It seems NSI hires data entry operators that lack the discipline to ask the correct questions for a record update, and get into personality squabbles, with annoyed customers.
This all could be done by process expediters right at the time you phone in, to end this year long battle of registration annoyances.
Not quite sure why you got that idea. I changed the domain info by email template when it moved. I failed to change the contact info for myself (gwh5) at that time due to oversight on my part. There was no data entry problem at NSI that I can see, in my case. There was a problem with them either not sending notifications (no email received, though Mark Kosters brought up a point in private that may complicate this and we're researching...) or sending them to the "wrong" address (the contact, not the domain address, for snail mail), or both, probably both. The NSI guy I talked to on the phone was actually ahead of me once I asked why I might not have gotten the notices, and handled the problem promptly and curteously, as I stated. The policy problem of where notifications are being sent, when, and why is another question. -george william herbert gherbert@crl.com