People use plain-text e-mail on purpose?

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

Midwest Internet Exchange

The Brothers WISP

From: "Christoffer Hansen" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2019 1:46:08 PM
Subject: Fwd: (Netflix/GlobalConnect a/s) Scheduled Open Connect Appliance upgrade is starting

Sent to NANOG,

Anyone from NETFLIX subscribed?

Could you please fix the below type notification e-mails to ALSO be
available if one ONLY USES PLAIN-TEXT email clients?

Currently the notice information is formatted in such a way the
PLAIN-TEXT section is completely EMPTY.
ONLY the HTML section contains information.

(E-mail client on my case is Thunderbird)



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:         (Netflix/***) Scheduled Open Connect Appliance
upgrade is starting
Resent-From:         ***
Date:         *** Jan 2019 ***
From:         Netflix <>
To:         ***


Hello ***,

The scheduled upgrade of your Open Connect Appliance(s) (OCAs) is
beginning now. The list of affected appliances is:

IP Address         Name         Facility
***                 ***         ***

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