I see ucsd extension offers a communication engineering cert, which altho a cert is not vendor specific. Seems to deal with typical hi level EE stuff, and offers a shot to get into their masters program. Bri On Wed, 22 May 2002, Andrew Dorsett wrote:
On Wed, 22 May 2002, Nigel Clarke wrote:
What do you think is more respected, a masters degree in Networking Engineering or a CCIE. In most
One of my arguments is that this doesn't exist but at a FEW schools around the world and only at the MS level. I've been looking for a network engineering program because personally I don't see myself being required to design a processor, as long as I know how it behaves and operates. Sure some believe its required to know how to build a processor and I think its really cool (Yes I do know) but to some this is not important because they will never be required to build one. This would be the perfect curriculum. I know Valdis is from VT, so I hope he's listening. Why couldn't we as a networking community sit down and come up with a degree program that goes from BS to PhD? Sure it can touch on basic programming and basic processor design, but it would be more heavily weighted towards utilizing technologies on the market and creating solutions to the common programs. It could be a mix between the CCIE, Net+, etc. Because I know my Comp Engineering program doesn't touch on anything related at all to networking, and never even mentions the idea of security. So why not create a focused area for this?
- Andrew --- <zerocool@netpath.net> http://www.andrewsworld.net/ ICQ: 2895251 Cisco Certified Network Associate
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