I don’t understand the impact. Those who are comfortable with using the mailing list via email would just keep doing what they are doing now. With the exact same email address. There should be no procedural changes. In theory, we could make the change tomorrow, and you shouldn’t notice a difference.
That said, we are going to do extensive test with the board, staff, NANOG committees, and beta testers. No changes will be made without extensive testing, committee and community feedback, and board approval. We will not make any changes until we are certain that there will be adverse effects for our community.
Edward McNair
Executive Director
On Mar 22, 2021, at 3:46 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
On Mon, 2021-03-22 at 16:08 -0600, David Siegel wrote:We are not anticipating any material impacts to any subscribers,
whether real people or list archivers.
The material impact of moving to discourse will be the effective lossof numerous active members. I would suspect, also, that this wouldinclude disproportionately many of it's most valued active members.Regards, K.-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au)http://www.biplane.com.au/kauerGPG fingerprint: 2561 E9EC D868 E73C 8AF1 49CF EE50 4B1D CCA1 5170Old fingerprint: 8D08 9CAA 649A AFEF E862 062A 2E97 42D4 A2A0 616D