Yes, a specific single person at MERIT found the boxer shourts offensive. In talking with many other people at that NANOG, both male and female, they didn't find the shorts offensive and infact where sought after. Thus a "gray market" in cisco shorts was created, preventing Cisco from taking it in the "shorts". If that has now grown to "vendors can't give anything" out, then its a SAD SAD SAD DAY. I certainly hope those at MERIT will help educate the power to be.. NANOG now has gone Corporate, In fact I am surprised MERIT is sponsoring Beer, I mean someone could get tipsy and have an accident (other than dropping there shorts). It reminds me of those start-ups that have beer thirty on the back loading dock on fridays. They grow, people enjoy hanging out, working hard and having some fun. Then one day someone decides its not "the right image, or something" and the friday 4:30 parties are killed. Its the dawn of Corporate Image and RED TAPE. I seriously hope NANOG doesn't go that way. I mention no names, as to protect the stuffy and the guilty. jmbrown On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 01:13:50AM -0500, Adam Rothschild wrote:
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On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 11:36:55PM -0600, Ukyo Kuonji wrote:
Did I miss some discussion about the Beer and Gear surprise? I, personally, feel somewhat cheated that there was no "gear" available from the vendors in attendance.
Sponsors were specifically asked _not_ to give out clothing, as the Cisco boxer shorts distributed at NANOG 20 were somehow deemed offensive and discriminatory.
Don't get me wrong, Beer and Gear was definitely time well spent, I just found the "gear" aspect (assuming that's in reference to freebies, not hardware demonstrated by vendors) a bit lacking. ;)
Long live free vendorware.