----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Walden" <andy@tigerteam.net> To: "Sean Donelan" <sean@donelan.com> Cc: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 5:15 PM Subject: Re: Thursday Hawaii telephone mishap
Widespread chaos ensued:
"The Maui Visitors Bureau Visitor Information Center the agency's tourist call center on Moloka'i was crippled for 27 minutes." :) << I -wish- that was the extent of the cut.<smile> For 6 hours, I was unable to reach any exchange in the state or the mainland with my Verizon landline. My Sprint PCS phone could reach Oahu and the mainland, but all Verizon's Maui numbers resulted in fast busy. With PCS I could get messages to Nextel customers here on Maui, but they couldn't retrieve them. Can someone venture a guess as to what would cause Verizon's Maui intra-island system to collapse from a fiber cut 100 miles away on another Island? Oh btw, I wasn't using it during the entire outage, but my ADSL line worked fine for the 3 hours that I did use it. --Michael
On Sat, 27 Oct 2001, Sean Donelan wrote:
A Verizon telephone worker accidentally cut a fiber cable in Kalihi yesterday, setting off a chain reaction that resulted in the most widespread phone failure in the Islands in recent years.
Widespread chaos ensued:
"The Maui Visitors Bureau Visitor Information Center the agency's
call center on Moloka'i was crippled for 27 minutes." :)
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