On 2/6/11 7:08 PM, Adam Rothschild wrote:
We (voxel.net, AS 29791) offer dual-stack on all server and cloud products. As others have pointed out, SoftLayer is an excellent example of a hosting provider that Gets It on a large scale.
Sadly, v6 support on popular "cloud-only" services is suspiciously absent. Terremark vCoudExpress, Savvis, Amazon EC2, among others don't support it today, or on any public roadmaps...
It's worth noting that the address space used in the large public clouds almost certainly overlaps with one's own private numbering plan, and having had to interconnect with some "public cloud" I can tell you that I do not appreciate having to 1:1 nat several thousand potential systems. I poked several about v6 support it would be greately appreciated if other people would likewise contact your account reps.