On 12/27/2013 8:18 PM, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
Brocade NetIron CER 2024F-4X goes for about $21k
As one last aside, if you're paying 21k, you're paying a little more than twice too much. Call Brocade and get yourself a real quote. I think peoples main point here is that any handful of thousand dollars you think you will be saving by going PC based, is going to dissapear the very first downtime you experience with zero support. Also, all the features you mention needing are standard features that any modern router should have no problem with. It's been a while but if I remember right you can terminate and route up to 4096 qinq based ve's on a single CER. If you're network topology has you terminating ten thousand qinq networks on a single box, I would take a step back and examine my network topology (if it were me, anyway) -- Jon Sands