On 3/12/2017 2:00 PM, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
Den 12/03/2017 kl. 18.49 skrev Rob McEwen:
This motivation goes a LONG way towards countering the profit motives that hosters/ISPs/Datacenters/ESPs have in selling services to spammers - there is MUCH money to be made doing so. But the longer term repercussions of damaged IP reputation makes that a *bad* long-term investment (even if the short-term gains are lucrative).
Sorry but this is not true. The address space does not lose that much in value and in fact most address space that has been used for end users is already tainted in the same way (due to botnets etc).
First, I'm on the front lines of this particular fight - and my conversations I have with mail senders (of all various types) gives me constant 1st-hand confirmation of these facts you deny. But don't take my word for it - consider the following article written by Brian Krebs: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/08/like-cutting-off-a-limb-to-save-the-body... If what you said is true, then Hostwinds wouldn't have ever seen a need to reform - and they wouldn't have ever reformed. And many of the hosters who had more foresight and never had to learn this less the hard way - would have likewise followed hostwinds footsteps (except without the the reform part) Also, if any good hosting company just let their guard down and started allowing just any spammer to purchase services - their IP space reputation would nosedive across-the-board to the lowest of depths... that occasional random botnets on a residential dynamic IPs - could never get to. -- Rob McEwen