Hello, I implemented it via dot1q vlans+iproute2+iptables. Description can be found at http://forum.nag.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=57082&st=0&p=501082entry501082 . Please use the Google translator to translate from Russian to English. 23.08.2011, 17:45, nanog@rhemasound.org:
While I have found some information on a project called linux-mpls I am having a hard time finding any solid VRF framework for Linux. I have a monitoring system that needs check devices that sit in overlapping private ip space, and I was wondering if there is anyway I could use some kind or VRF type solution that would allow me to label the "site" the traffic is intended for. The upstream router supports VRF/MPLS, but I need to know how I can get the server to label the traffic. I would appreciate any input.
--- Brian Raaen Network Architect braaen@zcorum.com
-- wbr, Sergey V. Lobanov E-mail: sergey@lobanov.in