Hey, folks - Since many of you build and use tools for network validation, I wanted to share a quick announcement. We just released Pybatfish <http://github.com/batfish/pybatfish>, a Python SDK for Batfish. As you may know, Batfish is an open source framework for deep (semantic) validation in multi-vendor networks (which we presented at NANOG65 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKApcGY6MxQ>). Pybatfish will make it easy for you to leverage the power of Batfish and to embed validation in your testing/automation pipeline. Getting started is easy: Check out the Jupyter notebooks on our github page (or corresponding videos <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA-OUW_3IOt9U_s60KvmJYA>), or ping us on Slack <https://join.slack.com/t/batfish-org/shared_invite/enQtMzA0Nzg2OTAzNzQ1LTUxOTJlY2YyNTVlNGQ3MTJkOTIwZTU2YjY3YzRjZWFiYzE4ODE5ODZiNjA4NGI5NTJhZmU2ZTllOTMwZDhjMzA> . Cheers.