On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 08:15:11 -0500 "Douglas S. Peeples" wrote:
What you describe is a folded ring and is indicative of either a = temporary solution or bad network design. As a rule, phone companies and capacity suppliers build very robust systems. =20
Douglas S. Peeples Technology Assurance Labs
Are you sure? On or about August 5th, 2003 in Augusta, ME, while cross examining a Verizon employee expert witness in testimony for Maine PUC Docket 2002-243, I got him to say muliple times under oath that 90% of Verizon's fiber rings in the state of Maine are at least partially collapsed, what you call a folded ring... That is, only 10% of Verizon's fiber rings are fully redundant.[1]
I don't have any proof of this but suspect that Maine is average and Verizon is average for a US RBOC. I suspect that 90% of US RBOC fiber rings are at least partially collapsed...
Are you sure he wasn't talking about customer-buildings? I bet that 10% is to their COs and most of the 90% don't pay to have redundant paths to their building. If your business case is not sufficient for VZW or another company to build redundantly, they will build folded rings. Deepak Jain AiNET