NOTE: The following is not a rant, but is purely for humor value. In a world record for slowness of something, I got confirmation today that my PGP key had been added to the InterNIC's key ring. Thinking it had been a while since I submitted the request, I went back and looked at my E-mail. I submitted the add request on October 17, 1998. So, never fear, ye you think your request has been black holed by the InterNIC machine. You too will get your request back, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day in the far, far, far distant future. As a network and server admin I _really_ want to know how you cause something to get held up for three months. I've made some major configuration blunders and the best I've been able to do is a couple of days. They have some tallented people over there. -- Leo Bicknell - Systems Engineer - Internetworking Engineer - CCIE 3440 Read TMBG List -,