Hello, I am working for a service provider based in Europe that sells Internet access, Hosting services,Metro Ethernet Transport and IPSEC VPN (based on a mix of Cisco, Riverstone, and Nortel). For the NMS, we are currently using HP OV and public domain tools (MRTG, Netsaint, and some others). We are considering to deploy several commercial OSS applications to improve the service provided to the customers (performance stats, Extranet SLA reports, percentile usage based billing, ...) and the tools available to our NOC Beside opensource ( that a significant part of you are using, I assume) , I was wondering which commercial applications are used & favored. I have heard about Infovista, Concord, Proviso(Quallaby) for Performance & SLA Reports, and Netcool(Micromuse) for Event & Alarm Correlation. (provisioning tools and mediation tools are not in the scope of our study currently) I found very few information in the nanog archive regarding these products, what is your experience? I would be glad also if some of you have comments regarding the usefulness of CiscoWorks for operating a Cisco IP Backbone (for Cisco network management tools, please send in private, as specific vendor's subjects are off-topic on this list). Best Regards,